Tuesday, November 23, 2004

KISS - Because I'm a Girl

long time no write...

i just watch (again and again and again) a korean video clip titled 'Because I'm a Girl' by KISS (a korean vocalist, band, i have no idea). anyway its one of the most beautiful work of art i have ever seen.. you'll say "its just a video clip?" yep its a video clip, but it very very very very very beautiful, sad, awesome, cool whatever you named it.. the song's beautiful, although i dont understand what it means, the picture is just great, it has a story, just like a mini movie.

-- as far as i can remember --

scene one:
a girl walking in a park, a guy -photographer- is trying to take a picture of a model. but she is walk in between him and the old lady. so the shoot missed, instead of capturing the model, he captured the girl.

scene two:
the girl turned out to be a kapster (someone who give hair treatment) in a salon. the guy walked in. and she replace her friend washing his hair. the foam gets in his eyes. her supervisor is angry with her. in a hurry, he left his hat in the salon.

scene three:
the guy's apartment-studio. someone knocks at the door. its the girl, she wants to return the hat and says sorry for letting the foam gets in his eyes. the guy asks her to stay a while, and take a picture of her to thank her for returning his hat.

scene four:
they got along just fine. she accompany him to the motor bike race track (he is also a biker). and do some fun stuffs together. everything is delightfully romantic. love is in the air.

scene five:
the guy's apartment. she's there alone. she tries to reach film roll on the high shelf. her hand touches a bottle contains chemical used to process a photograph. the cap is not properly placed. the chemical spilled and got into her eyes. is she blind ?

scene six:
he rode his bike at the race track. and save his mini motor bike in a box and locked it tight.

scene seven:
at the hospital, she opens her eyes, it is her birthday, the day the bandage that covered her eyes is finally removed. she still could see. but he dissapears. no phone calls, no cards, no visits, nothing. where is he?
she cries alone at night while watching TV.

scene eight:
she missed him so much, she tries to retrace their paths, the places they'd been. she went to the race track. she sees a guy that looked like the one she knows. he's wearing a sunglasses, playing 'catchaball' with a dog. the wind blows, a photograph flies. it was the her first photo taken by him. he's blind now... he gave his 2 sights to the girl.

-- end of clip --

ehhehe not a very good story teller are'nt I? well the scenes were faaaarrr more dramatic, more romantic, more movie-like than that. but i do get confused...
replacing eyes? as far as i know, replaceable part of an eye is only the retine (spell?). and why on earth he gave her two of them? if he only gave her one, imperfect sight, but they could still actually see each other, and live happily ever after, and he wont be a burden to her, right? besides, he really doesnt have to dissapear like that.

give no eye, selfish
give one eye, rational
give two eyes, irrational and selfish at the same time.
irrational, because i think it's emotion-based decision
selfish, because he didn't think, that may be, juustt may be, that girl wants him to be able to see, too, hence see her beauty (^__^;;;)

i criticize his decision, yet, i cry watching that video clip.. hehehe...

~reading 'being happy' by Matthew Andrews, european horror stories compilation, 'berperang demi Tuhan' by Karen Armstrong
~listening 'Untukku' by Chrisye and Erwin Gutawa
~doing self-contemplation about what I want in my life and gettin' them hehehe

Friday, November 05, 2004

satu lagi pelajaran

hari ini, satu lagi pelajaran berharga yang g dapet sebagai coder, terutama sebagai coder yang nerusin kerjaan orang laen ... dan bener banget apa yang dibilang dosen2 jaman g kuliah dulu


kaya g jumat ini, dengan berasumsi, g menghabiskan waktu seharian penuh ngedebug codes yang ternyata, oh ternyata, salahnya simple banget. next time make sure i know all the relevant facts, and i mean ALL with capital A and 2 capital Ls.
