musical baton?
whats that? i have no idea, who started this whole thing in the first place anyway?
well anyway, ill answer the questions, since it makes me feel like a part of big family in the internet hahaha.. just read it this morning and then 5 minutes later got the invitation from a friend, ari (website :, whom i know in univ, love ur posts, man! especially the personal ones, it gives me a clue what a guy ure age thinks about marriage.. heheh..
Total volume of music on my computerhmm just got a laptop, used one of course, my boss used it before me. so i havent got a chance to copy mp3s. only got 68 files in 294 Mbs. all of em are mp3s.
The last CD I boughti dont buy CD, i copy them hehee.. this makes me a full time music pirate :P
Song playing right nowColdplay - a rush of blood to the head
Five songs I listen to a lot, or that mean a lot to mehmm .. lets list them... ones i remember..
Break Out : 70's song dunno who sings it.. its about optimism
You Raise Me Up : Josh Groban's makes me feel grateful
L.O.V.E : dionne warwick ?
"You could've anyone at all" : just the reffrain, dunno who sing it, its an OST from youve got mail, i think..
"It might be you" : another reffrain, another soundtrack, dunno which movie, dunno the artist
feels like i dont know anything about music.
Five people to whom I'm passing the batonlet see .. ah males ah.. put it in my blog, and hey, anyone who read this musical baton, write it down in ur blog, ok?
i blog again - ranting
i'm back, for the first time after i broke my right arm 2 months ago. i actually had come to my office since two weeks ago, but havent got the time to blog, until now. so many things happened in this two months. its amazing how ur life feels flat for months, and then, your life feels like ocean waves or hills and mountains, in a verry shorter period of time, afterwards.
been reading, kahlil gibran work, titled sayap-sayap patah (broken wings) in the last 2 days, translated by sapardi djoko damono, published by mizan's sub publisher. he (sapardi) had done a great job translating it, it feels like the sentences were actually written by gibran in bahasa indonesia. just wow.
theres gonna be 2 book fair in the next 3 weeks, yay! discount week..!! 13-18 june 2005 and first week of july 2005. i'll definitly will come. i'll drag him along.
my coworker is getting married this end of week, in ciawi. we, me and 7 other coworker is going to come on saturday, rent rooms or house or villa, for saturday night, and have fun!! yay!!
my mom, is having high blood pressure lately, my sisters said that she has some thinking and worrying about somethings. i know she shouldnt worry about things, especially too much, but that what mothers do. hmm, now i'm worried about her.
today, i comes back to PHP mailing lists, that i've left for a long time, been busy working (yeah, right..) reading 'help me' technical mails, and replying, if theres something i can help... that feels good..
btw, theres a quiz i found, about which web design guru i would be like..
and i would be like this guy below.. (who is he?)