Wednesday, January 11, 2006

jangan buang sampah sembarangan

hari ini ada partner dr malaysia mau ekspor aplikasi sampah seenaknya ke tim indonesia. sebel bgt dah gue!! >__< no handover process, no agreement, no documentation. yes, it is nuts. kaya cari mati aja. supervisor g taunya, tim indonesia hanya akan handle problems di sistem indonesia. ngga malaysia. kalopun kita diterangin ttg sistem malaysia, itu utk liat2 dan belajar aja, biar ngga seberantakan itu di implementasi di indonesia-nya. we're totally clueless. dan katanya mulainya besok, haduhhhhhh.. gimana niiii?? hiksuu

Saturday, January 07, 2006

hari jumat

sorry mundur nih, harinya. dari hari sabtu ke hari jumat.

jumat g ke kantor pos (wow!) ngeposin sesuatu (CV, wow!) kilat 2500. g kasi 3000, kembaliannya (guess what??!) uang kertas seratus rupiah lima lembar (lembar cepek-an yang merah itu loh. uang jajan waktu masih SD). gile ye. masih ada aja tu specimen. pertama terbit tahun 1992. yang g dapet kemaren terbitan tahun 2000. g simpen deh buat kenang2an. abis duit baru sih, masih kaku.

perempatan PGA (pondok pinang - lebak bulus)
masih di angkot nih. g liat P20, udah jauh. dan mulai menuju pintu tol. waduh. g udah telat pula. g minta ke sopir angkot (untungnya g duduk di samping pak supir yang sedang bekerja) 'pak, bisa susul P20 itu ngga?' sambil nyodorin 2000 rupiah. pak supir ga bilang 'ok'. jd g kira dia males or ga mau. ya udah, g mo buka pintunya. eh si angkot tambah cepet jalannya. serem juga kalo mo nekat turun di sini.
taunya dia ngejar P20. wuihh kaya pelem eksyen loh. the good guys went after the bad guys in a car chase. wohooo!! adrenalin rush in the morning, could really keeps u upbeat for the rest of the day. angkot berenti di pinggir pintu tol, nyegat P20 sebelom dia masuk tol. untungnya P20 melambat dan nungguin g. sip pak! makasih banyak ya!


what's a birthday? its the day when u're born
so? what's so special about it? well, nothing actually, it's just a day. infact, ure age lessen. but hey, that's just like any other day.
but ure birthday would feel special if u spend it with the people u care about. the family u care about, the friends u share ure dreams with, the person u love.
today's my birthday. i got a pashmina from mum. brown. got a couple of sms' from several friends, i cant recognize 2 numbers. whose numbers are they? sorry, i'd like to call u guys back, but my Xplor number STILL NOT ACTIVATED!!! .
and a little fight with him, :(. he cant come, got to go somewhere to analyse and code. :(. it's ok, still got tommorrow. hope so. i love u, baby. i hope, i can control my anger better, pls be patient with me.