Thursday, July 06, 2006

i'm a chauvinist?

that's probably true. i'm kinda hate a country. sekarang g 'harus' terlibat dgn sebuah proyek luar indonesia yang :
- konsepnya ngga jelas (apa sih maunya? development stage kok di skip?)
- project managementnya tanpa jadwal (if only they read on PM)
- tanpa komitmen jelas (gua ga dibayar2, tapi mereka tetep minta selese, enak aje)
- tanpa perjanjian (liat point 2)
- tong kosong nyaring bunyinya (tanpa kompetensi yang jelas, pada berkoar2 seenaknya)
- ownernya serasa nganggep orang indonesia sbg pembantu (no exact proof, just my feelings, being underestimated, g hampir ngerti rasanya jadi TKW yang disemena2in)
- antar partner saling curiga (tanpa komunikasi yang pantas)

my friends and my sisters stated that those points are related to their country culture. the system applied in that country repressed people from being them selves because they look up to who's superior (asal bapak senang). ah, poor them.



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