Tuesday, February 13, 2007

change it

change this, change that, dont use this, use that instead, use the other ones a couple of hours later.
hmm.. tiring... very tiring, i'd be so glad when this is over. i should be flexible or they just have to be more consistent?


Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Payah nih, g harus sedia tensoplast terus di dompet
- rabu: kaki kiri kebeset sepatu, kaki kanan keseleo
- senin: tangan kanan kebeset kulit salak
- selasa: kaki kiri kebeset kawat kursi

btw, g disuruh presentasi grand design si kantor didepan 4 orang top most(hahh??)
ada yg punya ide gmn caranya biar ga grogi?