Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
At The Dolphin Bay tu drama yang bbrp waktu lalu diputer di SCTV, g ga ngikutin sih, my mom did ^____^;; tapi g suka banget tu soundtracknya. hmmm sing along with the lyric i found this morning, makes me feel, hey..! its my song :P, you know that feeling that you feel, but you cant express it, in a song, a poem, or just about anything? then you heard or read something that, more or less, express your feeling. This is how i feel. I'm in a journey, not only to find him, but to find my real self too. I'll get there. Just wanna share..besides.. that INTJ analysis, tells me to work on my communication to express my feelings, to be more obvious hehee.. so people wont have to guessing around or misunderstands me :P *heh geer banget gue.. :D* oh well...
Journey - OST : At The Dolphin Bay
It's a long long journey
Till I know where I'm supposed to be
It's a long long journey
And I don't know if I can believe
When shadows fall and block my eyes
I am lost and know that I must hide
It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you
Many days I've spent
Drifting on through empty shores
Wondering what's my purpose
Wondering how to make me strong
I know I will falter I know I will cry
I know you'll be standing by my side
It's a long long journey
And I need to be close to you
Sometimes it feels no one understands
I don't even know why
I do the things I do
When pride builds me up till I can't see my soul
Will you break down these walls and pull me through?
Cause It's a long long journey
Till I feel that I am worth the price
You paid for me on calvary
Beneath those stormy skies
When Satan mocks and friends turn to foes
It feels like everything is out to make me lose control
Cause It's a long long journey
Till I find my way home to you ... to you
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
For those who have been confused with my action and reaction, or how i think or feel (includes myself :D), my Bloginality is INTJ. These links probably says and explain much about me. mayan, pembelajaran diri. getting to know yourself is always good. since ourself is our greatest enemy.As an INTJ, you are Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging.
This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with an Extraverted Intution.
This is defined as a NT personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Rational (Knowledge Seeking) type, and more specifically the Mastermind or Scientist.
You aren't as openly affectionate as some of you NT counterparts, and this may cause other bloggers to assume you aren't as friendly. Your ideas and actual applications for these ideas are brilliant, however, and you might be more likely to create something masterful on your journal.
For more info:
Typelogic - INTJ
Personality Page - INTJ
Hale Online - INTJ
Personality Page - INTJ and your career
Personality Page - INTJ and your relationships
Socionics.com - INTJ
Personality Type - INTJ
search for more INTJ information!
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
we mourn..
Angkatanku berduka. Kami kehilangan satu keponakan. Adek meninggal karena kegagalan pasca operasi, hari senin, sekitar jam 12.40. Semoga keluarga yang ditanggalkan mendapat ketabahan. Adek surely gone straightly to heaven.Monday, July 12, 2004
hmmm .. waktu itu ada temen iseng2 nglempar wacana 'post 25th syndrome' (ini buat isengan aja, g ga tau ada beneran pa engga). g nanya, apa tuh? dia bilang sebelom 25, orang ga gitu ambil pusing tentang urusan cari pasangan. tapi begitu dia mendekati umur 25 dan setelahnya, dia bakal agak2 panicked, kalo kumpul ma temen2 (biasanya yang sebaya) bakal ngomongin everything about lawan jenis, marriage, dan kejombloan :D (apalagi kalo kebetulan dia dan temen2nya jombloh jugah).dan kmaren ifat nyebar undangan (heehehee... congrats yah girl!). dan beberapa orang temen gwe nyeletuks 'wah, keduluan deh gue'. see, theyre start to think about marriage. that's good, really. for something really important like marriage, one should think about it throughly, in and out. the problem is, finding that right someone to spend the rest of your life with, proven to be really tricky issue. orang yang lu pikir lu kenal luar dalem, could suddenly have decided to change his/her personality after saying 'I do'. some people even have a trouble in starting a conversation. jadi inget slogan baru iklan rokok A mild, kalo mo ketemu, ngobrol dong. kalo ngga ngobrol, mana bisa tau tu orang ternyata adalah 'the one'. tapi katanya kalo cowo sering bisa langsung tau ya? *bener ga sih?*. ntar ternyata, the-so-called-jodoh, ternyata adalah temen lama yang udah bertahun2 ga ketemu, sahabat selama bertahun2 *jadi inget upit dan idan*, ato justru tetangga depan rumah yang sebelum2nya ga gitu kenal.
jadi mikir, temen g banyak loh yang jomblo, cewe cowo, dan pasti deh nyari2 "that some one". jangan2 diantara mereka ada yang cocok, cuman ga tau aja, karena ngga ngeh aja ato karena belom pernah ngobrol lebih jauh. hmmm.. hmmm.. ^_^;;. a friend in her mail said, marriage is about growing up together and compromise (.. and i should add communication >______<) and a friend said, marriage is about accepting the partner as he/she is. no more, no less.
~IMHO.. notmarriedyetthough :D
Friday, July 09, 2004
beli ABG?
me : say... ABG berapaan ya?oknum: ha? <- bingung
oknum: mo beli abg? <- mulai mikir pervert
me : iya
oknum: emang ada yg jual?
me : ada lah
oknum: really? di mana? <- mau juga ya? ^__^;;;
me : di blok m deket BP
oknum: eh... <- ABG bulungan 'kah? tapi kan cewe? berubah orientasi?
oknum: abg apaan sih? <- decided to ask anyway
me : i knew youd asked me that!!
me : ayam bakar bung!
me : dikira anak baru gede ya? <- seneng!! bisa ngerjain!!
oknum: kehkehkehkhekhkehkhekhekeh
me : hhehee
oknum: sialan lu...
me : eh buset dah g mo beli ABG <- hmm ...
oknum: bilang ayam gantari, gitu
oknum: dodol
me : lah emang dsingkat abg toh?
me : heiheiheihieheiei
me : so? brapaan sih?
oknum: lah..sapa tau lo mengalami degradasi selera
me : jeeee
oknum: terakhir beli sepotong 7500
oknum: ga pake nasi
me : paha dada?
oknum: sama
me : gede ga?
oknum: mayan
oknum: segede2 yg di kampus ituh
oknum: seperempat ayam lah
me : mayan
me : g masukkin blog ya conversation hari ini, hiehhehehe
ps: nyokap tu ulang tahun, sooo mao bawa sesuatu hari ini ^_^ Happy Birthday mum!
Thursday, July 08, 2004
menye (asal kata ini apa sih? menyebalkan?)
terus2an liat video klip Ewan McGregor dan Nicole Kidman yang soundtral Moulin Rouge judulnya Come What May (deuh ewan cakep banget ^_^;;;; dengan muka penuh cinta gitu lagi.. *apa coba?*)Never knew I could feel like this
Like I’ve never seen the sky before
Want to furnish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you, until the end of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn’t seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there’s no mountain too high, no river too wide
Sing out this song and I’ll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather and stars may go by
But I love you ( I love you), until the end (until the end) of time
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Oh come what may
Come what may
I will love you (I will love you)
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
trus pinjem CD Erwin Gutawa, aransemen orkestra utk lagu Untukku nya Chrisye..
euuuhhh... ga kuat gue !! mood menye' kembali lagi
-Kemana langkahku pergi
Slalu ada bayangmu
Ku yakin makna nurani
Kau takkan pernah terganti
Saat lautan kau sebrangi
Janganlah ragu bersauh
Ku percaya hati kecilku
Kau takkan berpaling
Walau keujung dunia, pasti akan kunanti
Meski ke tujuh samudra, pastu ku kan menunggu
Karena ku yakin, Kau hanya untukku
kembali ke -
Pandanglah bintang berpijar
Kau tak pernah tersembunyi
Dimana engkau berada
Disana cintaku
kembali ke Reff
(Duet):Walau ke ujung dunia
Pasti akan kunanti
Meski ketujuh samudra
Pasti ku kan menunggu (3x)
Karena ku yakin, kau hanya untukku
Karena ku yakin, kau hanya untukku
Hanya untukku
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
ibu pertama
ibu pertama di angkatan gue tadi malem ketubannya pecah, padahal usia kandungan baru 33 bulan, that means its about 8 months old, diah bilang, usia 8 bulan ga baik kalo buat lahir premature. kalo mao 7 ato 9 bulan.. ga tau kenapa *yang tau, kasi tau gue..* udah dikasi obat buat nunda kelahiran karena paru2 si kembar lom kuat.. tapi... barusan dapet BC, jam lima dia mo operasi cesar...hmmm .. lets wish 'em all the best!
mulai ngerasa ga sehat nih, lemesh, sarapan kurang banyak, tadi malem abis les, sampe rumah jam 10 kurang, bukannya langsung tidur, malah begadang nonton film sampe jam 1... akhirnya tadi pagi bangun jam 7 lewat... langsung siap-siap, ga sempet maen2 ngobrol2 becanda2 :(( ...sampe terminal, mo nya nunggu 616, biar ga usah jalan jauh2.. eh tu bis kaga liwat2 (ini bis emang jarang) ... beda banget ma kemaren2, cuman nunggu bentar, udah duduk nyaman.. g pikir ada jam2nya kaya deborah tiap 15 menit skali... tapi emang traffic jakarta ga bisa diduga banget.. akhirnya g naik 57
trus tadi pagi.. (ini gara2 kemaren, gue menuntut pekerjaan lebih banyak) g diajarin mekanisme content providing, dari kirim sms, jalanin engine, sampe kirim balesannya (could be text, pics, or songs.. in binaries) cara charging, updating status, nembak, wap-push, gateways, which is different for each providers (telkomsel indosat excelcom flexi dll) and... to make things worse.. here, we actually combine 3 languages c, php, and perl to provide the services..
g jg lagi belajar WMS, iseng, and there are 13 main logic, basicly categorized by time and placing, to manage a warehouse, they are :
Location Sequence, Zone Logic, Fixed Location, Random Location, First-in-first-out (FIFO), Last-in-first-out (LIFO), Fewest Locations, Pick-to-clear, Reserved Locations, Nearest Location, Maximize Cube, Consolidate,
Lot Sequence.
there are a lot more though, but its too long to write 'em all down here.
sedang tertarik fotografi, tapi lom punya digicam, :( *no pocket money for months to come* ada SLR sih *plus flashnya* tapi g masih amatir, hehehe.. lebih prefer yang praktis, bisa auto, dan storagenya lebih gampang... got 4 people to learn from, lots about photography.. mudah2an hunting 180 degrees nya jadi...
kalo lagi di jalan, kok g sering ngeliatin orang2 yang jualan keliling ya? entah itu minuman, makanan, gunting kuku, pulpen, korek kuping, sampe keyboard *bukan keyboard komputer* kadang2 kagum deh sama mereka. mereka kuat. bayangin tiap hari jalan segitu jauh, panas2 utk ngejualin barang2 yang .. well.. ga terlalu dibutuhin orang, demandnya kecil. sering kan, orang jualan permen, dibagiin biar kita liat, dan ga ada yang beli, trus diambil lagi. orang bilang, jualan itu, maen untung2an juga, kalo lagi rame ya rame, kalo engga ya engga.. kalo lagi ga rame, mereka makan apa? dengan keuntungan ga seberapa gitu.. kalo support diri sendiri mungkin masih bisa diatasin, kalo harus support keluarga? kalo ada anak2 yang masih harus sekolah? sekarang sekolah barang mewah.. sewa kontrakan, dll dst belom lagi harus balik modal biar bisa terus jualan... salut banget dah.. kalo gue.. mungkin g ga akan kuat hidup begitu.. well.. God kasi kita rahmat dan cobaan yang kita (sebenernya) sanggup utk memikulnya..
indonesia lom mampu kasi tunjangan hidup minimal ke semua rakyatnya ya? *memimpikan brunei* <-- g ga nasionalis
sigh.. lucky me..