Monday, October 25, 2004

in the state of confusion

once again that confused feeling, hits me. this has been happening almost regularly, every three months or so. i mostly got a mixed feeling about carier, love life, family problems, whether i made the right decision or not and expecting surprises. but after i re-consider it over, it seems that it was the right decision at that time. i probably got confused because the varibles on making that decision had changed. probably. but if it was the right thing to do, i still havet got what i've been expecting. people say, good things dont come easy. the most sparkling pearl, lies in the deepest ocean. i probably wasting time being doubtful. but i just have to make sure that i dont make the same mistakes twice. this is one of those times when i feel that i need that life map. the only problem is, such map doenst exist ^__^ v. the thing is, i have to fix this ASAP, else i will feel this same destructive feeling every 3 months, awful. hope i can find the right solution, fast. if there's anyone out there have the same sort of "problem", do share ..

btw, i got spat at by a mad man this morning.. talk about surprises.. ^___^;;

Friday, October 22, 2004

menjelang Ramadhan :

al ma'tsurat :
resources :
hadits bukhari :
hadits muslim :

Monday, October 04, 2004

babbling about doa jodoh, gratisan, dan SPB

waktu pameran teknologi beberapa waktu lalu di kampus, g dan temen2 (cewe) memburu gratisan dari stand2 yang ada. biasanya mereka kasi contoh buku ato majalah. salah satu yang kita dapet adalah "kumpulan doa dalam al quran dan hadist". semua langsung ke daftar isi, dan komentar yang keluar dari mulut kita sama .. "ko ga ada doa lancar jodoh ya ?" :))

minggu lalu ade g cerita .. katanya kampusnya ngadain bazaar budaya .. dan cerita kalo ada stand cita cinta ngasi gratisan tas jelly dan nescafe dan citra dan nivea dan kantong hp dengan harga 10.000 (harga promosi cita cinta jadi majalah kecil).. langsung g minta titip ... mupeng gratisan ...

kalo ke swalayan jg kalo ada produk makanan lagi promo .. sok sok jalan lewat pura2 ga liat .. sapa tau ditawarin sama SPG nya .. :D (duh kok g ga malu ya nyeritain ginian)...

ngomong2 soal SPG.. kenapa nggak ada SPB (sales promotion boy)?
padahal kalo diliat faktanya :
- cewe sukanya sama cowo (kecuali ..)
- populasi cewe diatas populasi cewe
- cewe lebih konsumtif dan lebih doyan blanja
- cewe pasti suka liat cowo lucu ato keren ..

so why not? sekedar analisa dunia marketing..

Amorous Adventurer

i got totally bored and sick and tired with my job, so i get a Ticke test about what kind of a girlfriend i would be at any objections, japri me.

Carefree and fun, you are easily excited when it comes to new experiences — and that includes relationships. It's not that you see boyfriends as frivolous pursuits, but you enjoy the art of the chase, and you work to make sure that long-term relationships maintain that sense of adventure and surprise.

You may not be the type of girlfriend who spends every waking hour with her man, but that doesn't mean you're not thinking about him. You're just an independent woman, and it's important for you to feel challenged and creative in most things you do. That's what makes any relationship an adventure.