romantic ?
style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'> You Are A Realistic Romantic |
You are more romantic than 70% of the population.
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance... But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective. You're still taken in by love poems and sunsets You just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! |
Resign : How To
Compiled from pengalaman, saran temen dll...
A. Nentuin pilihan1. Tulis alasan pro kontra kenapa mau resign, hitung bobotnya
2. Tentukan pilihan
3. Simpen kertas tempat nulis pro kontra tadi, kalo ragu/nyesel bisa di liat lagi
B. Pas bilang4. Bikin surat resign yang bagus dengan alasan dan transition time yang jelas
5. Kasi ke HRD ato supervisor dalam bentuk hardcopy dan cari momen yang tepat (jangan pas bos baru sampe atu pas muka keliatan mumets)
6. Kalo ada alasan yang ga pengin di tulis di surat, jangan bilang kalo ga di tanya
7. Keluarin kata2 taktis dan diplomatis
8. Kurangi level menyerang orang ato organisasi
9. Bikin percakapannya se-informal dan se-friendly mungkin
10. Kasi tau apa yang bikin berat mutusin pindah
11. Tekankan bahwa lo bakal selesein kewajiban2 lo selama masa transisi
C. Pas masa transisi 12. Kerjain utang2 kerjaan sebelom bener2 pindah
13. Habisin waktu sama2 sebanyak mungkin dengan temen2 lo sekantor, jalan2 ke tempat yang lebih jauh, kapan lagi?
14. Tanya orang2 yang bakal ngelanjutin kerjaan lo, apa aja yang mereka butuhin
15. Kalo mereka juga ga tau, bikin catatan ato dokumentasi kerjaan lo udah sampe mana, sweat the details, they're gonna need it.
16. Hari terakhir, foto2, becanda yang banyak, beli makanan yang agak beda, makan bareng2 temen2 di kantor
^__^ v
12 tipe bos defektif
g dapet pelajaran bagus minggu ini. bos bukan seseorang yang bisa seenaknya. companies harusnya punya semacem rules of conduct atau standard operating prosedures bahkan buat bos. sabtu kemaren g sampe beli buku ttg 12 tipe bos yang defektif aka brengsek aka nyebelin.
A. Bos egois
1. Narsis (all-i-want-is-compliment)
2. Sosiopatik (i-am-so-slick-you-dont-even-know-that-iam-killing-you)
3. Paranoid (you-cant-trust-me-more-than-i-could-trust-you)
4. Histrionic (dont-worry-about-boredom-ill-invent-crisis)
B. Bos cerewet
1. Otoriter (my-way-or-no-way)
2. Obsesif-kompulsif (i'm-sure-you-cant-do-it-but-i-want-it-perfect)
3. Eksplosif (im-sorry-bu-i-cant-promise-i-wont-explode-again)
4. Pasif-agresif (you-cant-make-if-i-dont-want-to)
C. Bos dengan gangguan saraf
1. Masokis (give-it-all-to-me-i-live-to-suffer)
2. Dependent (im-wrong-but-love-me-anyway)
3. Depresif (i-cant-raise-my-head)
4. Penakut (im-so-afraid-please-dont-hurt-me)
ini cuma nyalin doang loh...
muter-muter tebet (i got lost!!!!)
ini harusnya posting minggu lalu :((
---------- Forwarded message ----------
tadi pagi g ke depok ngurus transkrip, dan karena g di kasi tau
mendingan naik kereta dari pada naik bis (yang harus lewat pasar
minggu, dan bakal makan waktu 1.5 jam!! cuma dari depok - perdatam!!
please deh...), akhirnya g memutuskan naek kereta.
abis beli karcis dan menhitung jumlah stasiun yang harus g lalui dari
depok sampe kalibata (6 station, dan g jarang banget naik kereta depok
jakarta, jadi harus ngitungin jumlah stasiun), naiklah g ke kereta
(sempet bingung arah ke jakarta, platformnya yang mana ya .. ? :P).
di kereta mayan penuh, ngga dapet pegangan, jadinya mo jatoh2 mulu
gitu.. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. yak siap siap .. 'mbak misi .. mau turun'
dan ternyata mbak nya mo turun juga hehehe .. jadi malu .. sampe di
pintu .. g mo turun.. eh ada yang mau naik.. ke dorong masuk lagi gue
dan uuppss kereta nya udah mulai jalan.. huahh gimana nih ???!!
'jangan turun mbak ntar jatoh kalo turun' oo ok ok .. tapi gimana nih
.. ntar naek apa dari sana ke kantor, mo nanya .. maluw.. karena g
ngeliat ke belakang gue .. pada ngliatin smua.. huhuhuhuuuu.... :((
akhirnya g turun di cawang... ke wartel, telpon kantor, tanya temen
dari cawang naik apa kalo sekali.. dan ternyata.. kartu nama nggak
ada.. hp nggak ada (wah kecopetan nih!!) g telpon rumah, thank God
yang ngangkat nyokap, ternyata HP g ada di rumah, ketinggalan. pffiuhh
what a relief!!
g nanya mbak wartel, di ngga tau, mas warteg bilang, g balik ke tebet,
trus naik angkot 34 (hey.. kok tebet? kayanya duren kalibata deh...
~confused) dan g mempermalukan diri dengan menceritakan bahwa g nyasar
karena kurang cepet turun dari kereta (~and now i'm doing it again, by
writing it in my blog ^___^)
ya wis.. g balik ke tebet naik angkot (no more kereta). jalan tebet
dalem, g cuma inget g pernah ngawas UMPTN di sini .. thas it...
dari tebet naik angkot ke perdatam.. jalan2 dikit lah.. ngliatin
warung2 makan dan distro2 di tebet tapi .. loh kok nglewatin 2 pasar ?
kayanya temen g bilang cuma satu pasar deh.. hmm.. jalan lagi ..
kayanya itu sucofindo deh .. oh bagus deh .. ntar kalo nyasar.. jalan
aja ke sucofindo.. (am i nuts ?) jalan lagi angkotnya... wait a
minute.. whats that big blue building beside sucofindo? kayanya
sucofindo satu2nya gedung tinggi di daerah perdatam.. ? oh dear ..
jalan lagi ... dan akhirnyaaaa.. angkotnya keluar di daerah yang g
tauuu.. tebet raya!!! perempatan pancoran.... wisma korindooo!!!
thank God! ternyata yang g kira sucofindo adalah bidakara :D
g turun di halte perdatam... trus jalan ke kantor.. dan g melihat tu
angkot ikutan belok!!! nyaaaa~~~~... kenapa ngga turunnya ntar2 aja
oh we~~ll... jalan2 dikit lah.. selama ini di jakarta masih harus
nyasar juga untuk tahu... :P
i'm leaving on jet plane...
g resign, alasannya karena yang baru lebih deket. tapi ga sepenuhnya,
well.. personal conflict to be exact. dan sekarang g khawatir. takut
di sini ternyata lebih enak, g takut project yang sekarang ga selese..
and one thing for sure ... i'l miss the team for sure .. so
comfortable to be with .. theyre so funny... dulu g hampir stressed
out karena workload yang gila2an banyak dan sama sekali nggak
teraturnya. but they practically come to the rescue, they actually
save me. and now i left them.
veddy (content man) yang masih kecil,
ko anwar (sisipan
man) yang suka sok cool,
stephen (designer) yang diem,
nony (ae rlabel) yang suka pura2 nyolot,
happy (ae
operator) yang tukang makan dan jalan,
yo (db man) yang suka
jadi banci2an,
mas yudi (parser man) yang ketularan bandel,
bang son (server man) yang harusnya ikut API TPI,
sherly(wap girl) yang kaya walking ebook (of any kind, java, javascript,
php, mysql, you name it!),
didi (report man) yang suka ngga
nyambung kalo udah stress, dan
mas onny (smpp man) yang
bercita2 jadi it manager dengan melakukan kudeta ke head it sekarang.
dan joke2 homo mereka, dan joke2 sore kalo udah pada sumpek sama
kerjaan (biasanya jam 3-an mulai keluar konyol2nya) aduhh lucu
bangetttt.. gonna miss them .. bisa ngga ya kapan2 gitu makan siang
bareng di sini .. love you guys...
Wida Sari Suryoputro,
Friends Forever
great lyric by
Vitamin C. kinda feel like it a few weeks ago.
experiencing it years ago when i was still in univ. pernah pengen usul
buat dijadiin lagu wisuda, tapi di aransemen ulang, jadi lebih pelan,
tapi lupa...
hmm miss my friends here... miss those undirected chats, nge-joke
gila, nge-dugem, MG (maen gila), nonton VCD sewaan, talking about
everything, from projects to guys behavior. dari gosip sampe bener2
curhat masalah dan minta bantuan mereka pemecahannya gimana.
huaaaaaa hiks hiks ... :(( anyway, i love you, people
Vitamin C - Graduation Song LyricsAnd so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June
I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon
And there was me and you
And then we got real cool
Stay at home talking on the telephone with me
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
1 - As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends Forever
So if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Can we ever find a job that won't interfere with a tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels
Repeat 1
La, la, la, la?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
La, la, la, la?
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
Repeat 1 (3x)
I've made my decision
Today I will delete from my diary two days: yesterday and tomorrow
Yesterday was to learn and tomorrow will be the consequence of
what I can do today.
Today I will face life with the conviction that this day will
not ever return.
Today is the last opportunity I have to live intensely, as no
one can assure me that I will see tomorrow's sunrise.
Today I will be brave enough not to let any opportunity pass me
by, my only alternative is to succeed.
Today I will invest my most valuable resource:my time, in the
most trascendental work: my life;
I will spend each minute passionately to make of today a
different and unique day in my life.
Today I will defy every obstacule that appears on my way trusting
I will succeed.
Today I will resist pesimism and will conquer the world with a
smile, with the positive attitude of expecting always the best.
Today I will make of every ordinary task a sublime expression,
Today I will have my feet on the ground understanding reality
and the stars' gaze to invent my future.
Today I will take the time to be happy and will leave my
footprints and my presence in the hearts of others.
Today, I invite you to begin a new season where we can dream
that everything we undertake is possible and we fulfil it, with joy
and dignity.